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Kingston and Richmond Covid-19 Update: April 29



I was pleased to hear today that the Government has decided to back our party’s proposal to compensate bereaved families of NHS staff. Layla Moran, who proposed this, said: “I'm hugely thankful for the support received from over 60 cross-party MPs and over 8,000 members of the public. Together, we convinced the Government that this compassionate scheme is needed."

“Our NHS heroes are putting their lives on the line, and we believe that their families deserve to be protected. The scheme should include the families of all key workers - carers, teachers and bus driver to name a few - who die on the front line.”

We have a duty to all of our frontline workers to support them through this time. This is a step in the right direction from the Government.


I attended the Questions for Housing, Community and Local Government digitally this morning, where the Secretary of State announced that household waste sites can reopen. We're waiting for the Department to confirm its guidance on this, but it will only happen if councils have sufficient resource to staff them properly. I shall be asking both Kingston and Richmond Councils for an update on whether their sites can be reopened because I know that waste disposal is a significant issue for residents.


Richmond Hill Visor Team

A group of residents from Richmond Hill have created 1,500 face visors for social care workers in Richmond upon Thames. Over 70 households on the Hill have fundraised to buy the materials needed and then made the protective plastic face visors. The masks have an acetate shield, foam headguard and elastic strap.

They have donated over 7,000 masks already to hospitals and social care staff at Richmond Council. The masks will be used to help protect staff when they visit residents in their homes or care homes. The resident group is keen to expand distribution to ambulance teams, paramedics, carers and local GPs. 

However, they are appealing to the community to help with financial donations to purchase the materials needed to make the masks. Anyone wanting to donate, can go to:

Cllr Gareth Roberts, Leader of Richmond Council, said: “I have been overwhelmed by some of the acts of kindness we have seen during this pandemic. This group of residents have worked day and night to create these vital pieces of protective equipment. I would like to offer my thanks to each household. The masks are invaluable. Given the critical role social care workers are playing, it is absolutely essential that they are fully protected."

Great British Bunting for VE Day 75 

Next weekend is the May Bank Holiday, shifted this year to coincide with the 75th Anniversary of VE Day, which marks the end of fighting in Europe in the Second World War. Due to the coronavirus, VE Day 75 events and street parties have been cancelled or postponed whilst we stay home and save lives.

However, the BBC is encouraging the nation to mark the occasion and honour the men and women of WW2 by creating bunting for your household. The #GreatBritishBunting project is a creative way to show that we will never forget the brave men and women of World War Two.

Hang your bunting with pride over the weekend of Friday 8 May - Sunday 10 May and share your pictures on social media using the hashtags #GreatBritishBunting and #RichmondVEDay. For tips on how to create your bunting, click here.

Cllr Nancy Baldwin, Mayor of Richmond upon Thames, said: “The Great British Bunting project shows that there are still ways we can mark the occasion from home. It’s a great opportunity to get creative with the family whilst staying home and staying safe. So let your imagination run free! Make bunting, fly flags or decorate your house red, blue and white!”


Scams During Lockdown

Kingston Council have highlighted a series of scams that have been operating during the lockdown. Law enforcement, Government and private sector partners are encouraging members of the public and businesses to be vigilant about fraud, and particularly wary about sharing their financial and personal information. The most popular scams reported relate to:

  • Fake online shops selling fraudulent COVID-19 (Coronavirus) related items

  • Malware distribution sites set up to cause damage to visitors

  • Phishing sites seeking personal information, passwords and credit card details

  • Advance-fee frauds where a large sum of money is promised in return for a set-up payment

  • Fake vouchers from supermarkets or high street retailers which capture your details when you click on the link

Criminals are experts at impersonating people and organisations, but there are a number of ways you can protect yourself:

  • STOP: Taking a moment to stop and think before parting with your money or personal information.

  • CHALLENGE: Could it be fake? It’s okay to reject, refuse or ignore any requests. Only criminals will try to rush or panic you.

  • PROTECT: Contact your bank immediately if you think you’ve fallen for a scam and report it to Action Fraud.

Even if you didn’t lose money, you should still report every instance of attempted fraud or cyber crime. Every report assists police investigations, disrupts criminals and reduces harm. Report online at Action Fraud or telephone 0300 123 2040. 

The Met Police have released guides titled the "Little Book of Big Scams" and the "Little Book of Cyber Scams", which I recommend taking a look at. You can read them here.

Little Book of Big Scams…/the-little-book-of-big-scams.pdf As always, please contact me if you need assistance, and please subscribe to my newsletter at if you have received this from someone else.

Sarah Olney MP

Member of Parliament for Richmond Park

Phone: 020 8876 29876

Facebook: @saraholneyld

Twitter: @sarahjolney1



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