Voter ID law and registering to vote
Make sure you can vote at the next election:
New laws have recently been introduced to require every voter to bring photo identification with them to the polling station when they come to vote. The list of acceptable forms of ID are listed with the link here.
It is important that you have made arrangements to secure your right to vote before polling day. If you don’t have access to a suitable form of ID, you have two options:
Apply for a Voter Authority Certificate here. You will need a recent photo of yourself and your National Insurance number.
Apply for a postal vote here. You do not need photo ID for a postal vote.
The deadline for either option will be a few weeks before polling day so take action as soon as you can to make sure you are ready to vote at the next election
Registering to vote
Make sure you’re on the voting register so that you can vote in all elections. You can register from the age of 16 so that you’re ready to exercise your right to vote from the day of your 18th birthday. European citizens cannot vote in national elections, but they can still vote on a local level.
To register to vote, click here.